Welcome to the web-page devoted to the JLW's first foray into the world of science fiction writing. The idea of writing a novel occurred to me during my lengthy rest and recovery period resulting from a recent surgical procedure. 'What can I do with all that spare time?' I asked myself. 'I know, I'll write that scifi novel I've always promised myself!'. Well what else would I do?
The book is based on the Lords' Witnesses' understandings of how world events have started and will continue to unfold over the next few years on Planet Earth as we progress further into the end times. So it is up to you, the prospective reader, to determine whether you wish to treat this e-book as pure science fiction or as the JLW alternative bible story. If you decide upon the latter, then you might like to consider that the technological embellishments are not entirely without some (albeit unofficial) Lords' Witnesses' foundation using the True Bible Code as a means of interpreting the literal translations of God's holy word.

Here are the comments from some of the book's early reviews:

"A read of epic proportions that would satisfy most readers' requirements of a good read. The author's own story seamlessly entwined within the sci fi text gives real depth and perspective to the truly catastrophic events described whilst the post-apocalyptic prose remains positive in tone. All in all suspenseful intrigue with lashings of biblical undertone" - Eleanor Holyoak. 

"The Fourth Light - a deliciously prescient cocktail of age old, well tested sci-fi themes seen in a new way - a dystopian past and a battle between love and evil written from the perspective of a utopian present. With its strong spiritual undertones and its unravelling of coded secret messages, The Fourth Light dramatically catalogues a journey into an unknown future through the tumultuous demise of a doomed system ruled by an evil and despotic alien fifth column, vehemently opposed by the loving elements of that same alien race via a predicted inter-universe civil war. Unlike most sci-fi novels it presents a positive view of humanity which will leave its audience feeling optimistic about our future. Prophetic? Relevant? Pure fanciful conjecture? Truth? Let the reader decide - but at the very least it poses real and topical questions that capture the zeitgeist of our troubled world and demand to be answered." - David Joyce

''To say this is totally unlike anything I’ve ever read before would be an understatement! I’m not sure how to even describe this book as SO much happens, and it seems to touch on so many elements, themes, and subjects. It is presented almost like a nonfiction story, yet it is clearly fantastical and creative, yet very intelligently so. I think that you need to take your time while reading it to really grasp everything the author is saying, as it will require some deeper thought and reasoning. Very interesting! (5 stars)''. Jenna Brewster – Indie Book Reviewers; Goodreads; Librarything; Shelfari; Barnes & Noble

''It took me some time to get into this book, and at first I wasn’t really sure where it was going. But the more I read the more I got into it, and thoroughly enjoyed this new world and reality the author writes of. It has a mix of almost everything… aliens, religion, post-apoc, spirituality, humanity… a unique book that will stay with me for some time. (4 stars)''. Karen Matthews – Indie Book Reviewers; Goodreads; Librarything; Shelfari; Barnes & Noble

''I am a bit of mixed feelings with “The Fourth Light…” by Jeremiah B. David. On one hand it was almost brilliantly realized and the depth of the interweaving storylines and the characters was amazing. But it was just hard to read visually. All I could see were blocks of solid text the whole way through my Kindle, and frankly its exhausting to try to read that way. Would have been better with formatting with indentations and smaller paragraphs. Also, the lack of dialogue gave it a distinctive feeling of being “told” a story instead of being a part of it. I know this is done in an “autobiographical” style (even though it’s clearly made up), but this made the reading for me slower and the pacing uneven. Interesting subject matter, but the execution didn’t work for me. (3 stars)''. Sam Ryan – Indie Book Reviewers; Goodreads; Librarything; Shelfari; Barnes & Noble

"Wow, what a crazy book! I’m not one for rehashing the plot (that’s what the summary is for on the book description page), but trust me when I say you’ve never read anything like this before! It’s quite dense and is not for the stupid or feeble minded… trust me. But if you like science-fiction, action, dystopian, and/or spiritual fiction, you’ll enjoy this one. It’s not a fast and easy read by any stretch, but it will take you through new concepts and perspectives that you’ve never thought of before. Very cool! (5 stars)" Anabella Johnson – Indie Book Reviewers; Goodreads; Librarything; Shelfari; Barnes & Noble

"This was a very original take on ‘fiction’ for me, and at times it seemed like I was reading a recounting of something “real” that had happened, even though that is obviously not the case. I know that all fiction novels are like that (realistic-feeling stories that are made up), but this one was exceptionally so…. It starts off with some considerable backstory to set up the scene and ground the reader in the world-building, which the author Jeremiah B. David does a wonderfully convincing job of creating a believable backdrop. The author also has a great “voice” in spinning these complex and intelligent plotlines all together. Well done. (4 stars)". J.T. Thomas – Indie Book Reviewers; Goodreads; Librarything; Shelfari; Barnes & Noble

"Well this book took me a while to read, but in the end I’d say it was worth it! I like how everything came together, and I enjoyed reading this unusual book! The appendix at the end was handy too… almost wished I’d used it sooner though, as sometimes there was a lot to keep track of! Anyways, the themes and events that happen are relatable to modern day, yet with a new spin. The author writes VERY well… very descriptive and strong and we feel like we are there almost like watching a movie or something. The editing is near flawless, with the exception of the block formatting which was at times a bit frustrating. Overall an interesting, if not surreal novel that pushes the boundaries of typical literature. (4-5 stars)". Claire Middleton – Indie Book Reviewers; Goodreads; Librarything; Shelfari; Barnes & Noble 

You can find links to the reviews via the links to the following websites:


Barnes & Noble: 

If you wish to acquire an electronic or paperback copy of 'The Fourth Light' e-book from Amazon please follow the link to: 
http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Fourth-Light-Jeremiah-David-ebook/dp/B00G5KO60Y/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1382889893&sr=1-1&keywords=fourth+light.  This is the link to the UK version. If you are in another region, you will need to access the book via the Amazon web-site for your territory.

The Fourth Light

Jewish Lords' Witness